Howard had to go home and then worked at a store selling merchandise of a20% discount. 霍华德不得不回家,然后在一个打八折折扣的商店里工作。
"borax: Cheap merchandise, especially tasteless furnishings." Quality goods for autumn sale at a Big discount. 廉价品:廉价商品,尤指无审美感的陈列品。金秋酬宾,价廉物美大优惠。
The business of selling merchandise at a discount. 打折扣出售商品的买卖。
Coupons are effective means for advertisement and sales promotion. They push customers to buy certain merchandise by providing appealing discount prices or gifts. 息票是一种有效的广告和促销手段,方法是通过提供折扣或礼品以促使顾客购买某种商品。